Thank You
Thanks for registering for our upcoming Half Guard seminar. You’re all set! There will be a waiver on the front desk at AMP when you arrive. If you’re under 18, please download a waiver and have a parent or guardian sign it, and bring it with you to the event.
[button link=”” color=”black” size=”big”]Waiver[/button]
If you have any questions or need to reach someone regarding the event, please contact Scott Hoffman, owner at Adaptive Movement Parkour: scott@amparkour. On the day of the event, you can reach him by phone at (860) 462-3303 (please email him at all other times).
Otherwise, you’re good to go. Get ready for a great seminar on January 24th…start re-reading the webpage, wondering about the content, salivating over the sweeps you’ll use on your teammates, wash your clothes the night before, gather up your notebook and pens, fold your gi into that neat little bundle that you do…oh, and invite someone else that you like training with! It certainly makes the drive and the seminar day more fun if you can do it with your favorite training partner…
See you on the 24th!
Chris Martell & Scott Hoffman